Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Backyard Genius Awards

They made these stuffs in their backyards,
can you believe this?

A giant (27 feet long) mechanical hands capable of crushing cars - and a really firm handshake. By Christian Rostow.

A cute walking robot. 15 centimeters long. Powered with AA batteries. By I-Wei Huang.

The infamous Tumbler. An internal Batpod will be included soon. By Bob Dullam.

You can read about this more in Popular Mechanics Magazine October Edition.


  1. To crush whose car? Haha

    I want the Tumbler to go to school.

  2. To crush people.

    "Hey, come over here. I want to show you something."


    "Look above you."

    "Huh? Hey, that's a pretty big arm~~~UAAAARGH"

    The Tumbler would be a pain to park... -_-
    (that, and I just can't imagine sticking a license plate on a Tumbler)
