Tuesday, October 13, 2009


45 billion light years the size of the universe
80 billion galaxies
7 sextillion stars

1 unique star

Only 1 planet able to sustain life

Think again.


  1. Only one planet...?

    You sure about that? :p

  2. Absolutely positive =D

    The only planet with electromagnetic shield
    The only planet with plenty of water on the surface
    The size is just right (slightly bigger and there will be no land, slightly smaller and we have no atmosphere)
    23 degree tilt and 24 hour rotation = maximum biodiversity

    Combined with the fact that we have a perfect sun that emits all spectrum and a fat moon that creates tides (something to do with increased biodiversity)

    Too good to be called a coincidence^^

  3. Whoa. I never noticed the universe is that small.

    or is it?

  4. Well, the universe is huge
    But from Hubble telescope and NASA calculation
    their conclusion is:

    The only type of galaxy possible to sustain life is spiral galaxy
    Spiral galaxy is only 10% of all galaxies
    Even spiral galaxies are considered very dangerous
    The least dangerous is Milky Way thanks to its wide spiral

    Our star is positioned in the safest location possible:
    exactly halfway between 2 spiral hands
    Far from blackholes and supernovas
    Abundant in complex matter such as carbon and iron essential for life

    This plus our unique star plus our unique solar system plus our unique moon
    The possibility of even one Earth exist in the universe is nearly zero

    Well, what do you think?

  5. Now you put it that way, the universe really is small. -_-
