Monday, September 28, 2009

Book Review: The Lost Symbol

You may call this a flop. This is the least interesting of all Dan Brown's novel. 5.5/10

The story is slow paced with too many coincidences. Robert Langdon becomes irritatingly slow, and the main antagonist, Mal' akh, is simply too absurd. The ending twist is not so great either.

Oh c'mon, Dan Brown! I know you can do better than this!


  1. Flop...?

    On its first day. the book sold more than 1 million copies in the North America ALONE, making it the fastest selling adult novel in history.

    And you call that a flop...? -_-

    -grimmjaw in comlabs

  2. Not a commercial flop, but a storytelling flop
    I don't like the story and I think many people agree with me

  3. What in the name of fuck is a storytelling flop...?

    A flop happens when the revenue generated does not cover its production cost. It doesn't have anything to do with the story.

    That's like saying "jalan ceritanya rugi" or "jalan ceritanya gagal balik modal".

  4. I checked the dictionary and it seems that you were right
    flop is a commercial loss. I thought flop equals disappointment
